7821 Alabama Ave #4, Canoga Park, CA 91304


We offer a complimentary service consultation tailored to your specific needs and goals. To proceed, please submit your requested services via email. You will be charged solely for the options you select—there are no hidden fees. Billing will be based on the services provided, categorized as follows:

      1. Fixed Costs: We understand that managing a small business can be challenging, particularly when operating with tight margins. To support your success, we have removed several standard fees typically associated with our industry, such as account setup, onboarding, and system integration fees. However, in certain cases, we may require a commitment to a monthly minimum (in terms of orders or prep work) to help offset potential costs and avoid additional fees.
      2. Variable Costs:
        1. Pick and pack fees (varies with order volume)
        2. Storage fees (varies with inventory volume / type – pallet, case, bin ….): charged on a monthly basic 
        3. Shipping/carrier costs (varies with outbound volume) : All DTC services require a deposit for carrier and material charges.
        4. Returns processing fees (varies with return volume)
        5. Packaging material costs (varies with order volume) : if standard shipping & packing material is used. Clients will benefit from our discounted prices as we purchase these materials at a high volume.
        6. Labor costs for special projects/kitting (varies with project scope – if applicable)
      1. Deposit: To ensure the timely processing and shipment of orders, we require clients to provide a deposit to cover their outstanding invoice. Shipments will not be processed if there is an open invoice on the client’s account. Should a client choose not to make a deposit, we kindly request that payments be made promptly and that shipment or pickup times be scheduled with consideration for the processing time and potential delays associated with bank transfers.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our fees, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is happy to assist you with any inquiries you may have.